Keep on planting!


The continuing theme of the Mulloon Rehydration Initiative is ‘Plant, Plant, Plant!’ Conditions are perfect for plant growth so our field officer, Max Brunswick has been busy planting out creek structures and their surrounds with a range of vegetation. 

Additionally nature is doing a great job on its own germinating and growing out those pioneer species that invariably come up when the ground is bare and the conditions are right. Some plants – people might prickle at – but in amongst the chaos of growth are plants that will take hold and become part of the new structure of the creek – such as Acacia, tea tree, Poa, Eleocharis, Lomandra and Callistemon. 

Flow along the creek throughout the summer has been excellent and the ponds are all full. Transplanted reeds such as cumbungi have taken hold and are growing vigorously. Floating plants such as milfoil and entire marshwort are colonising the open water zones. Carex grasses are springing up all along the banks. And umbrella sedge is prolific. 

It is a great time for nature to take over and do the work, while the humans get busy with the paperwork required to undertake the next stage of creek works, which are due to commence in the Spring.

The Mulloon Rehydration Initiative is jointly funded through the Mulloon Institute and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. The initiative is also assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust.

Max Brunswick in his element

Max Brunswick in his element

Kelly Thorburn