Mulloon frog monitoring

Photo by Anthony Mulhall

Photo by Anthony Mulhall

Several TMI staff members assisted Dr Sam Patmore in conducting a frog survey in mid-December at various properties that are taking part in the Mulloon Rehydration Initiative. They collected site data and photos while the sun was still up, before heading out again once it was dark (after 9pm, so there were less bird calls) to record the different frogs that could be heard. With all the rain we'd been having at that stage the frogs were certainly quite noisy.

Armed with head torches, pencils and clipboards, staff were deployed in small groups to monitor 38 sites across the catchment collecting audio recordings, along with air and water temperature readings in the field, at night. A suite of previous recordings helped with identification to help get the ears in tune, but it certainly was not a job for the faint hearted!

The Mulloon Rehydration Initiative is jointly funded through the Mulloon Institute and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. The initiative is also assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust.

Useful frog resources *

Explore Australian frog profiles

FrogID Map

FrogID Week

* Courtesy of the Australian Museum

Kelly Thorburn