Landscapes that sparkle!
The Mulloon-themed student projects at ANU’s Design Studio are hustling towards the finish line. We love what they’ve come up with! Amy, Henry and Sarah are working on a neat interactive diorama with 3D-printed elements that shed new ‘light’ on the transpiration cycle. A glittering digital array will highlight how different levels of vegetation create more or less transpired vapour and thus buffer solar energy.
Meanwhile, Tilda, Ruby and Ali have created a fabulous magnetised landscape with felted hexagon tiles, laser-cut plants, critters, crotchet waterways, hills, and alluvial features. It’s been an inspiring journey all round collaborating to bring these concepts to life! Good luck, and we’ll see you on presentation day Ruby Davies, Ali Mencshelyi, Tilda Blackbourn-Rooney, Amy Fisher, Sarah Turner and Henry Canavan!
ABOVE: Amy, Sarah and Henry present their glittering transpiration diorama. (Click on the images to enlarge).