Mulloon Creek Natural Farms spring review

The seasonal conditions for this Spring have been mild to warm with below average rainfall being recorded. Our rolling average rainfall dropped below 900mm in November for the first time in over 12 months. The last five months has seen significant rainfall deficits, and this combined with our falling rolling average may be an early indicator of dry times ahead.

The cows and calves have enjoyed the spring conditions and longer grazing days. The ideal paddock conditions have the cows milking well and in prime condition with very sappy calves at foot.

The heifers have had an easy run through Winter and Spring and now are rotationally grazing the lush creek flats on Mulloon Creek.

The poultry enterprise has enjoyed a steady increase in egg production since late Winter and during Spring. Paddocks have at long last dried up after four years of well above average rainfall and now more resemble chook pastures than duck ponds.

After much planning and design work, the first batch of our new poultry sheds are under construction. It is planned to have these state of the art sheds ready for the next batch of pullets to move into next February. These sheds have been designed with the highest level of animal welfare in mind and will assist in our biosecurity.

The bird flu outbreak that occurred in parts of Victoria, NSW and the ACT earlier this year has fortunately been contained with no further outbreaks occurring to date. Its very pleasing that the Government is taking the potential of bird flu seriously and has set up an extensive wild bird monitoring program. Here’s hoping that nothing will occur.

Cass Moore