Baseline surveys & ongoing monitoring
Scientific baseline surveys were conducted prior to the Mulloon Rehydration Initiative being implemented to monitor the project’s impact on Mulloon Creek and the surrounding catchment. Ongoing monitoring is also being conducted during the project to monitor changes. This monitoring sits within the scope of the Mulloon Rehydration Initiative’s extensive monitoring framework, as outlined in the following peer reviewed paper, published in 2022.
Peel, L., Hazell, P., Bernardi, T., Dovers, S., Freudenberger, D., Hall, C., Hazell, D., Jehne, W., Moore, L., Nairn, G., ‘The Mulloon Rehydration Initiative: The project’s establishment and monitoring framework’, Ecological Management & Restoration, Volume 23, Issue 1, 25-42, 2022
The Mulloon Rehydration Initiative is jointly funded through the Mulloon Institute and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, with additional support from the NSW Government’s Environmental Trust.
Invertebrate Survey of Mulloon Creek during Drought (2019-20) Dr Paul D. Cooper, Australian National University
Invertebrate Survey (2015-16)
Australian National University
Soil Mapping Mulloon Creek Catchment (2015-16) Sarah Le Dantec, Australian National University
Mulloon Creek Fish Survey (2023)
University of CanberraMulloon Creek Fish Survey (2022)
University of CanberraBaseline Fish Survey (2016)
University of Canberra
Using seasonal rapid stream assessment (RSA) to monitor water quality and stream health parameters at Mulloon Creek, Bungendore NSW (2024) Yongjia Zhu, ANU
The Effect of Leaky Weirs on Groundwater Tables in the Mulloon Catchment (2022) Jochem Meinen, University of Twente
Assessing stream-groundwater connectivity along Mulloon Creek, NSW (2021) Julian de Lorenzo, RMIT
Current & Predicated Stream Hydraulics (2017) Mulloon Institute
Vegetation & Riparian Conditions
Frog Population Monitoring of Mulloon Creek (2023) Sam Patmore, PATH Co. Pty Ltd
Frog Population Monitoring of Mulloon Creek (2022) Sam Patmore, PATH Co. Pty Ltd
Frog Population Monitoring of Mulloon Creek (2021) Sam Patmore, PATH Co. Pty Ltd
Frog Population Monitoring of Mulloon Creek (2020) Sam Patmore, PATH Co. Pty Ltd
Habitat Assessment & Translocation Strategy for the Green & Golden Bell Frog (2019) Sam Patmore, PATH Co. Pty Ltd
Baseline Frog Survey (2017) ACT and Region Frogwatch
Rapid Appraisal of Riparian Condition (2017-2022). Luke Peel, Susie Miechels & Peter Hazell, Mulloon Institute
Rapid Appraisal of Riparian Condition (2017-2021). Luke Peel, Susie Miechels & Peter Hazell, Mulloon Institute
Baseline Rapid Appraisal of Riparian Condition (2021) Ira Dudley-Bestow & Luke Peel, Mulloon Institute
Vegetation Assessment State & Transition Report (2018) Dr Richard Thackway, VAST Transformations
Regenerative Agriculture
Bird Survey (2018)
NSW Office of Environment & HeritageBaseline Bird Survey (2015-17)
NSW Office of Environment & Heritage
What prevents the adoption of regenerative agriculture & what can we do about it? (2021) Daniel C. Kenny, Australian National University, University of Technology Sydney
Executive Summary: What prevents the adoption of regenerative agriculture & what can we do about it? (2021) Daniel C. Kenny, Australian National University, University of Technology Sydney
Research Opportunities
A broad range of projects are available and open to all universities for Honours, Masters and PhD students to undertake post graduate studies in flora, fauna, hydro and soils and production systems as part of the Mulloon Rehydration Initiative. To learn more about the current offering from ANU go here: Learn more here.
Enquiries for post-graduate study opportunities can be directed to Science Officer/Spatial + Remote, Chris Inskeep, via
Enquiries for post-graduate study opportunities can be directed to Science Officer/Spatial + Remote, Chris Inskeep, via
Macroinvertebrate image courtesy of ANU