Packed Out Field Day a Success


A few short weeks ago, we threw open the gates of our home farm in Bungendore and hosted The Mulloon Institute Field Day and Expert Panel.

A huge thank you to those of you who joined The Mulloon Institute team for the day, the event was a great success, with 150 people visiting our living laboratory and touring through the early stages of the Mulloon Creek Landscape Rehydration Project. 

The day consisted of a tour of the floodplain and a guided walk through the on-farm creek interventions. Guests had the opportunity to speak to range of highly experienced guides, such as scientist, like Dr. Michael Wilson from the Murray Darling Authority, natural resources Managers like Peter Hazell, and landholders who have had long experience in Natural Sequence Farming, like Martin Royds and Tony Coote. The guides were backed up by Peter Andrews, pioneer of natural sequence farming, who visited each of the groups as they walked up the creek. 

After lunch, the MI team took the crowd through the proposed plans for the Mulloon Community Landscape Rehydration Project. This was followed by an expert panel discussion in which field day participants had the opportunity to fire questions at the panel.  Including those mentioned above, the expert panel comprised former Federal Minister for Water, Gary Nairn, ANU Geomorphologist and Soil Scientist,  Dr John Field and  ANU Entomologist and River Ecologist, Dr Paul Cooper.

The level of engagement on display during the day is a testament to the high levels of community interest there is in the MCLRP. Many thanks go out to those who could join us for the day, and for the continued input, feedback and invaluable interest in the development of this important project. 

The date of the next field day will be announced early next year and you can head to our Facebook page for a sample of some of the photos from the day.