Mulloon Consulting Contracting & Certifying update

On-ground works underway at ‘Wombramurra’ in Nundle, NSW

On-ground works underway at ‘Wombramurra’ in Nundle, NSW

March has been very busy for Mulloon Consulting Contracting & Certifying (MCCC)! 

  • Peter Hazell presented on the ‘Planning Your Farm Landscape’ course run by David Hardwick (Soil Land Food) for Muttama Landcare (NSW). 

  • Detailed onsite planning for physical works was undertaken with Duncan McMaster and Cam Wilson at The Scots College’s ‘Bannockburn’ property near Nowra, NSW which has responded well to recent rain. 

  • Cam Wilson was back at Wombramurra to supervise construction of landscape rehydration measures designed to accommodate the high flows that occur in steep country around Nundle, NSW

  • Peter Hazell and Nolani McColl undertook a local site visit to a Northangera, NSW property that was badly impacted by recent fires with burnt bushland, loss of fences and emergency containment lines. 

  • And a farm plan at Bellmount Forest, NSW, which includes detailed design for a gully that was unsuccessfully filled in the past, has provided an interesting challenge for the team.  

The MCCC team also enjoyed a day with their Mulloon Institute colleagues undertaking strategic planning and identifying lessons learned from the past year, opportunities for the future and the importance of catchment-scale landscape rehydration projects in guiding future priorities. The day finished with a review of recent works along Mulloon Creek.

Viewing recent works along Mulloon Creek

Viewing recent works along Mulloon Creek

Kelly Thorburn