Farms update

Chooks happy that their shed is above the high tide mark!

The farms continue to experience well above average rainfall this year to date 1120 mm, which is close to double the long-term average. November alone recorded more than 250 and 290 mm across Mulloon Creek and Duralla respectively, greater than four times the long-term averages for the month. The spring rain fell on already saturated soil profiles across the catchment which led to the generation of large volumes of run-off and consistently elevated creek levels leading to several floods. The photographs tell the true story!

Mulloon Creek eggs have continued to sell well through the period but with production down slightly due to the persistent inclement weather (and who could blame the chooks for that!) supply is expected to be tight leading into Christmas. The weather has been challenging for both the chooks and the staff trying to get to them through flooded and boggy paddocks, testing the limits of man and machine.

The cattle market remains strong with record prices being achieved. MCNF recently had a very successful sale of cows and calves selling to a high of $4,310. The high cattle prices are now being felt by the consumer which may not be too palatable, but as a farmer it’s been a long time coming to realise some hard-earned rewards for the good work that farmers do ensuring Australia is fed.

The MCNF team are looking forward to somewhat drier conditions to enable the completion of the upgrades to the packing shed, layer sheds and brooder shed that have all been held up by the excess rainfall. We are also looking forward to initiating plans towards becoming net zero carbon and continuing the holistic and regenerative developments across Mulloon Creek and Duralla. 

Kelly Thorburn