Volunteer tree planting

Huge thanks to the volunteers that turned up for our tree planting day at Duralla in November! 

Despite the damp and muddy conditions with fairly consistent drizzle, 20 hardy souls helped us plant 200 trees on the hillside site, including many fast growing wattles. Many participants were from Canberra and others had joined us from Cooma and Sydney.

Conditions on the day were quite challenging with flooding at Duralla making the property inaccessible to two wheel drive vehicles. Most volunteers had to leave their cars and be shuttled several kilometres to the site. Despite the wet conditions which kept worsening during the day, our resilient volunteers remained enthusiastic and managed to plant out all of the pre-prepared holes by lunchtime. A super effort!

After a satisfying lunch in a very welcome marquee on top of the hill, planting continued on the rockier soils of the ridgeline where conditions became even more difficult and the holes had to be dug by hand.

The enthusiasm of the volunteer team was phenomenal and everyone who took part must be congratulated for their patience despite the weather as they worked through difficult conditions with extraordinarily resilience. They certainly exceeded our expectations for the day! Thank-you!

The plantings form part of the award winning Mulloon Rehydration Initiative that is rehabilitating and rehydrating the Mulloon catchment in southern New South Wales and turning a highly eroded creek into a healthy, vibrant ecosystem that captures flood sediments, recycles nutrients and provides valuable habitat. The project spans 23,000 hectares and 50 kms of creek and tributaries and involves 23 landholders and is being rolled out in five stages between 2019 and 2023.

The Mulloon Rehydration Initiative is jointly funded through the Mulloon Institute and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. This event was also assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust.

Kelly Thorburn