Mulloon Consulting

With lockdown lifting over the last couple of months, Mulloon Consulting has become increasingly busy.

A scoping report has been completed for the Swan Brook catchment in northern NSW for GWYMAC Inc., with funding from the Levin Family Foundation and Northern Tablelands Local Land Services. A visit to the region is planned in February 2022 to formally deliver the report. Further funding has been applied for through the Future Drought Fund for a catchment-scale project at Swan Brook that would bring significant education opportunities.

Property inspections have recently recommenced with two NSW trips coming up and a farm plan completed for a property at Mt Jellore. Work for the Forestry Corporation of NSW to restore montane peatlands in the Bago State Forest at Tumbarumba has recommenced after a cold and wet winter, with team members visiting to collect measurements for the design stage. The team have also been busy on a large project along the Molonglo River where landscape rehydration work is aiming to enhance and create habitat for Green and Golden Bell Frogs by repairing riparian areas along the river.

In the ACT, grant funding to complete works at Tidbinbilla Station have been applied for through the Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers program but ongoing wet weather has made the site too soft for large machinery and on-ground works at the moment. Also in the ACT, work continues with the Riverview Group on the Ginninderry Conservation Corridor to repair an ephemeral tributary of Ginninderry Creek.

Further afield in Victoria, a report and virtual workshop have been prepared and delivered for Westernport Water while a demonstration site is planned to be developed in the Bass Coast region with Bass Coast Landcare and support from Melbourne Water.

Kelly Thorburn