Bannockburn swale update

The contour in action at Bannockburn.

The contour in action at Bannockburn.

Duncan and Kym McMaster, managers of The Scots College’s (TSC) Bannockburn Campus have been observing improvements yielded by a contour recommended in a farm plan designed by Mulloon Consulting. The farm plan was carried out over 2018 and 2019 and it is exciting to see the property progress along its regenerative journey.

Duncan spent time reading the landscape and identifying ‘steps’ to set out the specific location of the contour before it was cut with a grader 18 months ago. The contour runs around a hill with a forested knoll and runs through two gullies, spilling out onto a ridge line. Duncan has used single line electric fencing to split the paddock into six wedges that run up and down the hill. Water points are set at the highest point in the paddock and the forested area has been fenced off. 

Kym and Duncan McMaster at the opening of the Bannockburn campus in 2019.

Kym and Duncan McMaster at the opening of the Bannockburn campus in 2019.

When questioned about his thoughts on the contour, Duncan quickly exclaimed “it works!”. Duncan is pleased to see the principles of landscape rehydration implemented on the property. Fertility that is deposited by the stock and the forest is captured in the contour. He has already noted that when he lets stock into the paddock they always go to the area around the contour to chew on the sweetest grass, an indication of improved fertility. 

Additionally, fireweed around the contour is far less prevalent that in other parts of the property. Presence of fireweed indicates low fertility. This suggests that the contour is actively catching and banking fertility in the landscape. Duncan and Kym have also observed that after a few dry weeks there is a clear green band running along the contour.

Mulloon Consulting has an active relationship with TSC in establishing Bannockburn as a demonstration stie for students and other interested parties. We are excited for future endeavours in our partnership in our development in the further design of farm infrastructure and a Regenerative Agriculture syllabus.

Kelly Thorburn