Mulloon scientists in the field

Mulloon hit the ground running in January. Despite the unseasonably wet summer restricting fieldwork, much has been achieved in conducting instrument maintenance and data downloads. During such a wet period it’s crucial to see how the environment responds to rainfall events. Of equal interest will be the next phase of dry weather and assessing how the land retains water to continue plant growth. The TMI team are working hard with partner HydroTerra to get data into their online database DataStream, allowing us to share the results and story of rehydration with the world.

A feature of working on such an eco-friendly farm as Mulloon is the wide variety of creatures encountered while out and about. It seems that local Mulloon wildlife are keen to get their teeth stuck into learning about Mulloon’s hydrology! The wombats and foxes in particular have a fascination with our soil moisture sensors, dismantling three and biting clean through cables. A Peron’s Tree Frog was also found investigating one of the piezometers – possibly using the acoustic qualities of the bore hole casing to impress the ladies. 

Kelly Thorburn