Farms update

It was a dry finish to summer on the farms with February bringing hot, windy weather and below average rainfall. This provided a window for progress on several key projects at Duralla including some maintenance on our crossings and in-stream structures/leaky weirs after three seasons of floods. Thanks to the TMI team for their work on fixing those up.

Long-term forecasts are for more dry weather and a return to El Nino, but for now the flats are still looking lush and providing quality feed for our cattle late into the season. As a result, our Duralla weaners are in good knick leading up to the sales in late March.

The farms have been teaming with bird life with the warmer weather and a variety of food sources on offer with seeds from native and exotic tree species in abundance across the farm. The return of the Gang-gang Cockatoos is always a highlight at this time of year – they particularly love the Pepper Trees.

We’re looking forward to the autumn ahead with plenty of projects in the pipeline and key milestones approaching. Apart from the rapid shortening of the days, it’s always a nice time of year with the crisp mornings and turning of the leaves. We’d love to share it with you, so if you have a corporate or private event coming up that you’d like to hold at our farms, please reach out via our website.

To stay up to date with what’s happening on the farms you can also follow our Instagram @mullooncreeknaturalfarms

Kelly Thorburn