On Farm - the MCNF winter review

The MCNF flock rotations are back on track after the devastating floods last December, and biosecurity has been increased.

Winter seasonal conditions have been relatively mild, considering the number of heavy frosts and wet days being recorded. Rainfall over the winter started well above average during June and finished well below in August, giving an overall average rainfall for the winter period. The rolling average rainfall remains high with both farms over 1,000mm.

The cows started calving in late winter to Bongongo bulls and, with all cows now having been bred on Mulloon Creek Natural Farms, a noticeable difference to our calving has been observed with no issues and a very tight calving window being achieved. The heifer weaners maintained growth over winter and will have little trouble joining on a rising plan of nutrition in early Spring. The heifers continue to be rotationally grazed around the better feed on Duralla but will soon make their home on Mulloon.

The poultry enterprise continues to recover from the floods that we experienced on Boxing Day, 2023. The fencing program is well advanced and while it will be ongoing we are now ahead of the flock rotations.

The outbreaks of bird flu in Victoria, NSW and the ACT is very concerning, and our biosecurity has been increased with access to the production area being restricted. The potential from contracting diseases from wild birds remains our greatest threat and with this in mind MCNF will be upgrading our mobile sheds to assist in reducing wild bird interaction.

Here's hoping for typical weather conditions and uneventful Spring!

Cass Moore