Springdrift Gully Repair

Vegetation that was compromising an old gully diversion structure at ‘Springdrift’ in the Mulloon Catchment has been cleared by Green Army participants as part of the Mulloon Community Landscape Rehydration Project.

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Kelly Thorburn
20 Millions Trees and counting

Significant tree plantings took place across the Mulloon Catchment last year to help create vegetation corridors along several creeks in the region. The plantings included a diverse range of native trees and shrubs and will continue this coming spring.

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Kelly Thorburn
Birkenburn Brush Weirs

Green Army participants are working with The Mulloon Institute to create a series of V-shaped brush weirs to halt erosion and help retain sediment as close to its as source possible.

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Kelly Thorburn
June “Jachère” 2017

from the Chairman, The Mulloon Institute

As three of our months start with the letter “J” (January, June & July) I have obviously set myself a challenge to be not only creative but also relevant when I select a title for my update for those months. Peruse your dictionary and you will quickly see our English language is not blessed with an abundance of “J” words! I’ve already used “jottings” and “journal” for example.

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Kelly Thorburn
Invertebrate survey of Mulloon Creek 2015-16

A recent aquatic invertebrate study of Mulloon Creek has revealed an astounding number of bugs! 

Nearly 3500 individual invertebrates were identified across over 60 species, with a couple of creatures whose identities are yet to be confirmed. 

Huge thanks to Dr Paul Cooper and Thomas Wallenius from Australian National University who conducted the baseline survey, and to South East LLS who helped fund the project.


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Kelly Thorburn
May "Missive" 2017

from the Chairman, The Mulloon Institute

You have probably been checking your inbox over the past two weeks wondering when you were going to receive my May update – I can only hope! Seriously though, unfortunately the past three plus weeks have not been pleasant as I’ve been dealing with the consequences of kidney stones. Long story short, many days in hospital resulting from an aggressive infection and now compulsory rest at home with an operation expected on the 23rd June. Hopefully back to somewhere normal after that.

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Kelly Thorburn
April "Azimuth" - 2017

from the Chairman, The Mulloon Institute

This month's update I've called April "Azimuth" as "azimuth" is a navigational (or surveying) term referring to a "bearing" or more in laymen's terms, a "direction". Chosen because when I looked at a quick summary of the many things done or meetings I had during April, steering things in certain directions was fairly prominent.

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Kelly Thorburn
March "Metrics" 2017

from the Chairman, The Mulloon Institute

Firstly apologies for being a little later than I would like with my monthly update but the first week of April was a busy week spent mainly in Sydney attending a conference where I presented two papers plus other Sydney based activities. But more on those in the April update.

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Kelly Thorburn
"Farming" February 2017 

from the Chairman, The Mulloon Institute

This month's update could have been "Fast" February, "Fervent" February or simply February "Facts", but "Farming" February gives me the opportunity to reinforce the relationship The Mulloon Institute has with Mulloon Creek Natural Farms (MCNF). That relationship is a very important aspect of our work as the MCNF is the working and living laboratory of what we seek to achieve in The Mulloon Institute.

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Mulloon Institute